Thursday 20 May 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes!

A site visit to Crow Wood today showed just how much progress the contractors have made on site. The timber walkway on the low side of the site is now all but complete, with beautifully tapered timbers snaking around the edge of the playscape. The pod swing area has a distinct look of completion thanks to a green carpet of turf covering the encasing mound.

The slide has now been installed, and work will continue to construct a seating area adjacent to the slide platform. The badger sett is starting to take shape - you can see the tunnels in situ as the contractors begin to build up the earth around them.

The pyramid walkways look absolutely great and are almost complete following their dramatic lift into site by helicopter. Attention will now turn to the new access pathways and the treehouse, so check back for more images!


  1. What a wonderful job you are all doing. We are really looking forward to bringing our grandchildren.

  2. Thank you very much indeed - we can't wait to open the playscape up and see all of the children enjoying it. Check back again for more pictures - I'll be posting a video of the helicopter day with staff interviews soon!
